On the ranch pond, Mr. and Mrs. Canada goose have returned to check out the nest site on their exclusive island refuge. Mr. and Mrs. Mallard guardedly observe the newly arrived (and larger) ranch pond residents and keep a wary eye open for an Edgar the eagle fly over. Ky and Fiona, equine perpetrators of the "great ranch escape" appear to have resigned themselves to life on the ranch and no longer challenge the fencing that somehow brings to mind Jurassic Park on a bad....or good day !
In the barnyard, Mr. Barney the ram's harem of ewes are preparing for the immanent arrival of this years tiny vociferous brat pack. After the early morning's chores were completed, effervescent Erin, her son James, "the sheep whisperer" and Mr. Greg embarked on a " preparation exercise program". Clearly, the big woolly ewes were not on the same program as Greg and his ranch retinue... Dotty resisted, Momma Bear struggled and Baby Doll, the big white Coopworth ewe resigned herself to a full body makeover. With Erin nursing her head, James restraining her cloven hooves and Greg manning the sheep sheers, the enlarging udder and swelling vulva were exposed to facilitate an easy birth and open access to the frothy milky bar for newly born young. Chance and Alice our veteran Katahdin Ewes gratefully accepted proffered peanuts and wondered what the fuss was all about. Bran the Border Collie went manically "Brantic" and Luke the Australian Shepherd "wanna be" barely survived the frenzied activity. Erin somehow managed to rearrange her pelvic bones in an unrehearsed and not very graceful rendition of the splits, James looked slightly uncomfortable staring down at the exposed and vulnerable vulva and Greg maintained a business like, competent Sweeney Todd Attitude as he chopped away at the dense, lanolin infused, poop impregnated woolly fleeced butts. I guess, on the whole..if you aren't a ewe....it was a good day, If you are a ewe...things have got significantly cooler in the nether regions of late. Hopefully, the new born lambs will appreciate easy access to the previously woolly udder and a little cosmetic trim around the eyes will assist the new moms to identify their tiny offspring. We have approximately ten days until the first lambs arrive..we watch...and wait.
It was been a long, wet day. Here in the barn kitchen, Luke lies prostrate on his fluffy dog bed, Bran whimpers as he dreams of sheep, cows chickens, horses or all of the above. Greg struggles to keep his eyes open and the cuckoo clock advises that at least for Gentle Giant Meadows Ranch.....it is bed time.
Take care, keep safe, M