It is approximately two weeks until the first of our lambs are due. Clearly, productivity largely relies on Mr. Barney's reproductive aptitude. Judging Mr. Barney the ram's appendages, our ewes should be having...QUADS !! The ladies are thankfully looking very rounded and, once again back out in the pasture very content with life here on the ranch. After poor Misty Moo's untimely demise, we have kept Bella our Jersey heifer, Sirloin the Dexter steer and the formation munching team (aka the Gentle Giant sheep flock) within their individual pens. Greg and young James have together reinforced and repaired the existing fencing, cleared storm debris and eliminated hazards in the pasture before Bella and the little red steer were allowed out to play under a grey January sky. Beautiful Bella Song is a mirror image of her mother Misty Moo and it was with pleasure and regret we watched the yearling heifer and the 4 month old steer bucking, head butting and reveling in the freedom of the open pasture.
Over the past weeks, Erin and her son James have, with their now infamous equine escapees Ky and Fiona made our ranch their new home. Erin combines "visiting" with helping me "keep house" in the horse barn. James has, with some invisible but very apparent gentle aura managed to attract and befriend bovine, equine, ovine, feline and canine members of our ranch family. Everything on the ranch gravitates towards his quiet presence whilst in stark contrast, his effervescent mom, Erin has single handedly woken up a sleepy barn. Thank you both for your love and your help over a very difficult and taxing month.
The cuckoo clock has spoken, but, in closing I ask for your thoughts and your prayers for Greg's Mom. Sadly, she is hospital in Albuquerque struggling with a serious medical condition. We are half a continent away in body.....but at her bedside, with Greg's other siblings and their loved ones. Take care, keep safe. M