MJ on Fox 13 said it was going to be a nice day.....she lied !! It rained nearly all day which means that I had a bad hair day all day. By 9am, I'd given up and knew that in the beauty stakes I'd probably come a slow second to Godzilla. Things weren't helped along when we noticed that Lamb Chop had a really bad case of Delhi Belly and needed a clean up. Being a trusting sort of little lamb he let us blackmail him (I love peanuts) into the barn kitchen where the unsuspecting and very smelly little critter was dunked in the sink and subsequently clipped, his back legs, his rump, his tail and his scrotum. Poor Lamb Chop, next he got dosed with Peptobismal before being returned to the flock in all his shaven glory. Just finished cleaning me up after cleaning Lamb Chop (yuk) and Ashley (our neighbours daughter) appeared through the rain drops to let us know that a big tree had fallen and blocked the road( DOH !!! why can't that sort of thing happen on a nice day ?) Another neighbour needed to get out to an appointment so Greg and I did our Superman (men) impression, armed with chainsaws we set off to clear the road. Other people go to the Mall shopping, we chop trees up ! Still raining. In an effort to try a dry occupation I opted to clear out the greenhouse ready for the tomato plants which were threatening to burst out of their plantpots. Not a good idea,... the entire spider population of Western Washington appeared to have taken up residence over the Winter ( ..and I hate spiders !!) . The final straw was when I put my head through a web and an ENORMOUS bulbous 8 legged spider dangled in front of my eye. I was less than impressed, end of greenhouse experience, exit stage left, very quickly. And still it rained. We went to a very enjoyable Farm meeting (in the rain !) I had a couple of glasses of wine and woke up this morning with a headache....there is no justice. Oh well, time to go again. Take care. M
Blackpool WON !!!! Who ????? My homecountry, hometown football ( ok, soccer) team won....its like winning the Superbowl, (well, almost). My son Colin in England phoned with updates during the match. (thanks Col)There I was, quietly clearing poo poo and more poo and Blackpool was euphoric. It seems a bit wierd that in one part of the world all is normal and in another such a huge event ( to us anyway !)Apologies to the Preston contingent, I know that Blackpools win was sort of equivalent to Armagedon, sorry. Now some not so good news, it looks like Momma Goose has given up on the nest so Gertie is still an only child and still a very confused goose ! Quest appears to be getting a bit tired of the besotted bird and it is so funny to watch him trotting after Gertie trying to get hold of her tail. It doesn't bother her, any attention from her tall dark and handsome boyfriend is welcome. Bless. Dolly the mutant cow is becoming quite a favourite in the barnyard, a soggy wet drooly kiss is very unforgettable. She has learnt where the carrots are and uses all her cow charm to extract one from the pocket. Lamb Chop is growing (and fat) I think its a good job that he was appointed an honourary member of the ranch staff (surrogate border collie ). Time to go, take care, M
Wow, what a day !! It was almost as if someone up there was just waiting for us to poke our noses out of the barn door then it DUMPED ! Its pretty tough when I have to resort to wearing a plastic bag on my hair, I looked like a drowned rat all day. We had rain, hail wind and sunshine and that was all in one hour. We lost the sheep ! There they were, pasture maggots all over the field (incidently, NOT their field, they just took themselves for a walk into the horses field) and the next time we checked, there they WEREN'T !!! Of course, true to course just when the worst rain /hail/ wind storm blew up off we went to find them. Hassan (the Terrorist) saved the day. Hassan is a beautiful little bay arab, currently going through the terrible twos which is stretching into the even worse threes. He is beauty with an overdose of attitude, he belongs to one of our boarders and we love them both. Hassan came to the conclusion that enough was enough and sharing his field, and even worse, his grass was NOT acceptable. Hassan set to rounding them up, he ran round them and headed them off back to their fence line, when they evacuated his field he tossed his pretty little head and trotted back to continue munching. Sad to report, it looks like Mom and Pop Canada Geese have given up on their eggs this year, she has been sitting for several weeks but seems to be taking more and more time off the nest. Gertie continues her love affair with Quest (the shire horse) we wonder what she will do when Mom and Pop migrate this Autumn. The heritage turkey chicks arrived at the Post Office, two days old and all the way from Texas. Its amazing to think that those cute poopy little things grow so big (and tasty !). Got to go, take care. M
We really do love our sheep, we really do, but sometimes......! The grass is belly high (on the sheep ,not me) so it was decided that we would move their pasture. Out came the peanuts, the road blocks went up (the new brunch venue is accross the farm road, apologies to our lovely neighbours, actually, I'm not sure why I'm apologising, its free entertainment !) and Bran and the dog went into "Lassie "mode. Greg actually looks like he is in control of the situation, Bran is SURE he is.... but the sheep KNOW they are! Yesterday, Greg changed the gate for them (because it would be easier ?)but they know the gate they always use and come hell, high water and Greg they were heading for it. As usual,instantly, all my "what ifs" flashed through my brain and I predicted sheep spread all over the county as they charged headlong in a bunched up assault in the wrong direction. Nothing was going to stop them...or was it ? BRAN to the rescue ! We couldn't believe it, Bran turned into wonder dog and Lassie combined, he headed off the escapees, ignored the t-bones from indignant ewes, turned them round and brought them back to where they needed to be. Of course the sheep acted like it was all part of the plan and got down to the serious business of eating while Bran soaked up the praise. Greg, cool as a cucumber just took it as part of Brans training and I promptly had a nervous breakdown. All in a days work. Today is baby chick day, the broiler chicks are down at the post office so Greg has gone to pick them up. More about that tomorrow as the turkey chicks arrive. Bye for now. Have a great day. M
The Rhode Island Red chicks graduated yesterday, from the brooder pen into the big girls pen. Trouble was, they didn't want to grow up !!! I got back from my "office job" with the Mustard Seed (check them out, they are a great organization and staffed by people really dedicated to helping our seniors) and Greg was armed and ready with our next detail. Chicken roundup ! weapons ? a sweeping brush and a snow shovel....hey, those things can be nasty ! The plan was detailed (NOT) park up the stock trailer, round up the birds and then put them into the "Roost with a view" ( they are lucky, they got the 4* accomodation, they could have got "The Shack")...but were they happy ? Trying to look confident ('cause Greg expects that of me) we marched in to the brooder, they weren't intimidated by our show of force and formed a defensive bunch. We tried stealth, ie look the other way and pounce on the unsuspecting...we tried persuasion "here chuck chuck.." ( not impressed) so we just grabbed them, gosh, they were mad ! For our next trick.....magic 28 mad Rhodies from the trailer into the Roost pen. All out of magic spells, Greg (he's amazing) reversed the trailer into the gateway of the pen. How to keep the chickens in the pen in ? (breakout pending ) Inspiration...send in Bran the dog. Bran very enthusiastic about this unexpected privilege got OVER enthusiastic and end result, a flurry of feathers and a bunch of bald chickens ...but they didn't get out and the Rhodies got in. What a team, Greg Bran and me.Love it, Love this life (most of the time, smile) Take care. Bye for now, M
It's my job....that is what is expected of me. ...when Greg says "we are going to put this there, move that here...and the other stays put ..." Greg expects me to go pale and immediately go into pessermistic mode. Yesterday went just as expected, the ram lambs have for a few days been showing some VERY rammish tendancies (if you know what I mean) as they do not appear to discriminate between mothers sisters or aunts, their living arrangements had to change. Somehow Greg always seems to envisage an almost magical transfer, ME,.....I see animals everywhere, "what ifs" keep flashing through my brain, what if they go that way and....drown in the creek, knock themselves out on that tree...go through the fence...anything and everything seems possible. I can't help it, it's the way I am and unfortunately sometimes I'm right !!! oops, did I say that ? Our sheep aren't like average sheep, they don't run away from me, they crowd me, slavering for peanuts (and they have terribly bad breath !). Lamb Chop in his alter personality mode instantly turned into a border collie and everything went to pot ! There were sheep everywhere !! Time for the peanut bucket and calm is restored until we tried to sort boys from girls.... one way is obviously the boys have very noticeable "appendages" (apologies to my more sensitive readers...is anyone out there ????) the other and very clever idea of Gregs (one of his better ones !) the boys have blue ear tags. yeah !!! All went well till John Wayne got out his lassoo, time for roping lessons methinks !! Anyway we eventually got all but 2 and all are now residing with Rodney our resident Ram. Before I go, GREETINGS to David and Lisa who proved there is a reader out there following the ramblings of an English wannabee farmer. Take care. M "I've had a great idea" ALWAYS strikes terror in Greg, it nearly always means a new project for him( and yesterdays idea was no different !) I called a business meeting, I have to pick my moment....(usually when he can't get away) and there he was, perched on the milking stand, talking sweet nothings to Watch Me ( LaMancha goat that looks like a brontosaurus ????spelling ) while he milked her. Great timing. What about a chicken tractor, it will be great because (its my idea, so it must be ) the chickens will be pasture grazed, save us money on feed and fertilize the pasture.I have raised this idea before and it was dismissed but I'm not one to give up without a fight.....Greg listened (This was promising !) Greg didn't say NO, things are getting better. Stage 2 of plan, find a trailer base, serendipity ! Heidi our super horse boarder happened to have just what we needed buried under a TON of blackberries. OK, Tony (Gregs brother) where did this fit into the schedule ? Off we went to pick up the new project. Does it happen to everyone, the best laid plans of mice and men come to mind......Little goats nicely penned up, fence post taken out to get trailer in, all going well....Heidi and her lovely Aunt helped load the monster .....still going well...Bran was let out of the truck to vist a tree or two and the happily penned up little goats let themselves out of the pen !!! Oops NOT so good. Peanuts are wonderful, and I have never seen a fence back up so fast . I'll keep you updated on the progress of the chicken tractor. Got to go, another day down on the ranch begins. Take care. M
Hello, me again. Just a quick note in my country diary today, I think I'm still asleep ! Bless him, I think Greg knew I had to be amputated from bed this morning and he told me I could sleep in. I made a deal, cup of tea and I would be up. Its another busy day, I'm at Mustard Seed this morning for my volunteer job, I love it (and they always could use new volunteers !) while I am there, Greg will be "processing" the broiler chickens. I don't have anything to do with dead and will be busy here at the house. I do fur hair and feathers while they are breathing...but they do taste really good. I'd be a vegetarian if I didn't love meat so much !!! Have a great day. M
Good Morning, another day dawns here on the Pacific North West. Yesterday I made a BIG decision....Roger has GOT to go !!! Roger the Rhode Island Red rooster came to the ranch by default. Being the weakest link here ( ie, I will adopt anything with one eye, no teeth, 3 legs and in this case a pair of spurs ) my friend knew to come to me, not Greg with the offer of adoption. (very smart !!). Poor Roger had no friends at his former home and he "didn't get on with" the female part of the former family...could I offer him a home with my seriously deprived feathered flock (we had "re homed" all our other roosters thanks to a lovely bunch of Guatamalans we needed them for a church function ). Roger the Rhode Island Red rooster arrived, a very handsome BIG rooster whom we very quickly found out has a very inflated ego. Suddenly (as in overnight !) Roger had moved in...and I was evicted. The first serious offence was when I went in to do my evening round up of eggs, (give them up nicely or the ladies are unceremoniously upended) . Roger was unimpressed with my bravado and without warning launched himself at me. I defended myself with whatever I could lay hands on (sadly, not his neck !) and eventually retreated as Roger retired to sharpen his spurs. Greg, standing OUTSIDE and hearing the commotion bravely asked me, as I straightened my dischevelled clothes and tried to put my hair back on my head "what was going on in there ?" STRIKE ONE !!!! (for Greg and Roger) After that, I went armed to the roost, Roger seemed to realize that the big guns were out and stayed a respectful but very threatening distance away. ..but not for long !! I went, without pre planning, backup and unarmed into enemy territory to pick up an egg in the chickens yard. Ambush !!! Roger knew and I guess decided to teach me a lesson. I now have 4 puncture wounds in my leg and Rogers ego has been restored. Roger has got to GO. On a happier note, Dolly the mutant 18 inch legged Angus how with attitude has decided that I am now the best cow on the ranch, she loves me. Got to go, time for another fun, poo packed day on the ranch. Bye for now. M
AuthorIts me, Maureen, (the Boss) Archives
March 2018
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