The Gentle Giants of the Ranch
Lady & Quest 2005
Shire horses are the descendents of the Great Horse which was the horse used by the knights in armor of the Middle Ages in England. Over the centuries the Shire, the tallest of the draught horse breeds has been used traditionally on the farm but since the second world war, they have become almost obsolete with the growth in popularity of mechanization. The Shire has been placed on the endangered breeds list. Moss Edge Duchess, affectionately known as Lady on the farm, was born on a little farm in the North West of England, and when we came to America, flew to New York then went down to Kentucky for quarantine before travelling up to the pacific NW by road. Lady had been bred to an old fashioned English Shire before she left England and May 5th 2005 a gangly bay colt was born, we called him Bridies Bequest (in my mother’s memory) but on the ranch he is known as Quest. Shire horses are known as the Gentle Giants of the horse world and we are always proud to introduce Lady and Quest to our farm visitors. Lady has been trained for both English and Western riding as well as harness work. Quest is currently in training for western riding and will someday join his mom in the harness as a harnessed pair.