Greg (2) joined our family for Thanksgiving, over the past two weeks our young WWOOFER has really become part of our rapidly extending family. Big brother John and his new bride Jean arrived Thursday afternoon and just to work up a healthy hearty appetite helped us with the evening chores. It was a lovely evening spent in wonderful company. Quiet, enthusiastic and efficient Greg (2) can be found anywhere around the ranch. With his help, the cedar siding on the barn kitchen wall has now been completed, the outside bell for the telephone replaced, the electric fence repaired in the big pasture, the big cedar barn doors finished and, (to my horror) balancing on a scarily unstable ladder the drainpipe was re connected. Those being just a few of the projects that our visitor from Vermont has challenge has been how to make him take a well earned break. Thank you Greg (2 !
Well, it's still dark outside and it sounds like there is a storm coming in. Should make for an interesting weekend ! Time to go and start layering up.....these cold Winter mornings I'm never sure where I start I'm wearing so many outer layers !!Take care keep safe and warm. M