So, while my body was teaching me a life lesson I wont forget, the reserve team headed out to a friends property to load up several tons of lumber which will really help with all the construction currently in Greg’s brain’s “going to do” list. The gifted lumber wasn’t going to be re- homed without testing a few muscles and this morning as Ginger munched on her healthy breakfast she confessed to an element of surprise…she didn’t hurt. John, fresh from a night which included a visit to a Crispy Crème vendor didn’t complain as he happily chomped on his deliciously unhealthy sugary doughnut. Greg woke up with his forearm hurting. Apparently he lost an argument with an oil drum and the point of impact was not going to let him forget easily that forearm meets oil drum isn’t going to end well. A quick ferret through our medical cabinet found a tube of anti inflammatory cream intended for equine muscular pain…wonder if that will work ?????
So, the latest batch of newly feathered chicks have been re homed. From the cosy comfort of the warm brooder box the chicks were rounded up and the chicken nursery pen is their new,lighter, more spacious residence. In 5 months, hopefully they will be starting to repay our care with nice big brown eggs. Sadly, the momma hens who have decided to take industrial action, gone broody or just plain run out of eggs will be given a last chance warning or they will be culled in a squawking flurry of feathers. Chickens who look suspiciously chunky probably aren’t laying. Good egg layers put all their reserves into the eggs they lay, meaty moms aren’t paying their feed bill. Old or infertile chickens tend to have faded red combs..not an infallible method of detection but a pretty good indication from past experience. Looks like we will be having another chicken soup day !!
Quatre came home yesterday. I’m sure she had a great holiday between Kung Foo and the Two step but It’s always good to have her back !l
Well, it’s time I listened to my body which is saying “time’s up”… and I’m listening. take care, keep safe. M