During those three weeks, I'm sure 7.30 am came far too quickly, there was way more poo in the cow pen than ANYONE could have imagined in one night and how on earth could those sheep have generated that much manure !!! How did a horse get as big as Quest and how can a horse get as muddy as Chelsey ? During those three weeks we taught our new Ranch family that farming is not a 9am to 5pm job, our horses and livestock govern our working day. We taught Nicole and Barrett that we love and respect our animals and I believe they got to love and respect them too. They got to drive the tractor, use chainsaws, power tools, helped with lambing, a little taste of fencing and carpentry...
Three weeks are over and our intrepid two some are starting a new life in the Pacific north West. We wish them success in their new venture and feel sure that they left the ranch with many new memories and they will have many experiences together in the years ahead. Good luck Nicole and Barrett, Thank you for sharing your time with us. Please keep in touch.
Love, your Ranch Family.