The afternoon was spent on a Scotch Broom hunt, not that we wanted to find it but we need to eradicate it before it gets into our pastures. I sometimes wonder what the neighbors think when they see us scaling banks breaking through blackberry thickets and hanging off trees to get to those pesky plants. Lucky for us, the bright yellow flowers are a dead give away and when we returned from the afflicted fence line with a truck load of yellow seed loaded bushes, covered in blackberry scratches, up to our knees in mud and wet from plodding through ditches there was a great feeling of satisfaction! I’m easy pleased!
Mica, our little farm helper got to ride Lady the Shire mare yesterday. It was great to see her climb up onto the huge horse and watch her smile grow as she rode Lady down the farm road. Lady the Gentle giant possibly couldn’t even feel the little body steering her but as usual she knew that she had to take care of her young rider and just plodded compliantly down the road.
Charm also got tacked up last night. Mr. Beauty with attitude has had about 4 months out of work and the rolls of fat are evidence of the lush green grass that he has been taking full advantage of over the past 4 months. Finding a cinch which will fasten around his tubby tummy is a struggle and tightening it is a bigger challenge. Charm was however not the horse from Hell and we had a pleasant trail ride that my surgeon would have been proud of !
Well, times up again, take care, keep safe. M