Yesterday the Soay rams and ewe lambs left home and this morning mournful cries are filling the valley. Fortunately food is the cure for even the saddest loss here on the ranch and disconsolate moms will soon forget their absent offspring when the breakfast bucket appears. The sheep knew that something was brewing, they knew that normal routine was disrupted and that always means trouble of one kind or another. Their suspicions were confirmed when Greg and Carlie arrived at the pen and cast watchful eyes over the fattening lambs. The new owner of our rambunctious little flock set his heart on Chance and was quickly distracted…, you can’t have Alice either…..Carlie pounced on a curly coated brown lamb and captured it like a seasoned wrangler, the rest of the flock went into whirling dervish mode round and round the pen, Greg darted, the lambs ducked Carlie dived and one by one the chosen lambs were carried into the awaiting truck. Readers who are concerned about their welfare….they are off to start a new flock up in Bellingham, there will be no lamb chops or racks of lamb at least for the foreseeable future….so I for one will sleep in peace tonight.
Lynne looked a little concerned as she stood looking up at the saddle perched on Lady’s broad back…..her short legs surely weren’t going to reach the stirrups and once up….how was she going to get back down ? Carlie had no such concerns….she mounted the golden palomino, Charm and sat confidently waiting while her mount tried to work out whether he had a rider on his back or whether he could employ a little of the attitude that has become part of his persona. Both Carlie and Lynne came back to the barn still attached to their respective mounts (always a good thing) and both had big smiles on their faces (even better !).
Carlie has learnt to drive the tractor, the no blame policy wasn’t required, the barn wall wasn’t dented, she has learnt to use the chain saw and is wicked with the axe. If there is a challenge, Carlie will take it on, she has quickly become confident with power tools livestock and horses and become a fond member of the ranch family. Time is passing too quickly and our newest cowgirl/wrangler will be leaving next week.
Well, timed out again. Take care, keep safe, M