It was lovely to see Derek and Lesley arrive “home” last night after their big days out on the town, hope they haven’t turned into city slickers!! Moments before their return, Nara had said “I miss Lesley and Derek”..aaahhh.So do we Nara, so do we!
Well, Lamb Chop did get his butt hosed down yesterday,( I’m not sure exactly who got the wettest but it certainly was a close call ) possibly not with as much care love and carrots as slide his way when D and L do the job but I did get the required hat photograph and Lamb chops face says it all…”so, what kind of a ********* do I look in this one?”. I guess wearing a hat for 5 minutes isn’t too bad a trade for a lifetime of butt washes and reprieve from the fate a castrated male lamb usually faces. It’s got to be better to be a diva than a lamb chop! ( pardon the pun)
Hol-ley appears to be growing at an alarming rate, she inhales her bottle without taking a breath and her bottle head butts are ferocious but she is a little cutie and her world stops for a back scratch.
Nara may be suffering this morning, that little lady is game for any challenge and yesterday saw her out in the field putting up fencing after a morning clearing copious poo from copious stalls! Azam’s owie is still getting better it may just be right to go to the farm in Oregon…that magic cream works wonders!
The orchard got mowed..finally, I was beginning to wonder what nasties were going to be lurking in the tall grass. Nara Greg and Azam fixed the John Deere ride on mower which had, after 7 years of hard labour finally hit its last stone and died. Considering the state of the deceased blade, it would appear that it has possibly hit every stone on the ranch and possibly some twice!
Well, yesterday is over and it’s time to get started on today, have a great day, keep safe, M