The eggs in the incubator hatched right on schedule. Twenty one days and a cursory glance indicated tiny little chips which slowly grew as the chick inside cheeped and struggled to escape. Seventeen fluffy chicks survived the ordeal and are now happily OUT of my kitchen and relocated to the brooder box down at the barn. Tiger was apparently anxious to make the acquaintance of the new arrivals and when one of our young farm visitors accidentally forgot to replace the cat/ dog/rat proof cover our little ginger feline didn’t miss the opportunity to go and visit. Tiger was luckily clearly overwhelmed and spoilt for choice with his good fortune he apparently chose to observe his dinner prior to choosing his luncheon delicacy. Tiger was, thankfully, found lying in the brooder box, eyes firmly fixed on the unsuspecting chicks, tail slowly twitching before any carnage occurred. All chicks accounted for, brooder box lid securely fastened and the ginger cat will hopefully not be invited to dinner again.
Holly our honorary WOOFER and her significant other came back for the day. For some unknown reason I have been unable to call her friend by his given name ( ok…I can never remember !!) and frustratingly ( for him and me !!) every name under the sun starting with a T has been bestowed on him. Finally after mulling over my forgetfulness, I associated him with Travis Tritt and it’s all good now . It didn’t take Holly and Travis long to get up to speed and during the course of the day they experienced poo, chainsaws, poo, tagging and banding new born lambs, bottle feeding kids and calves, more poo, some horse riding ..oh and did I mention poo ?? It was, as always great to have them around. Thanks for your help Holly and ...Trent..Tyler….Travis. yeah, got it now !
Everyone has something they struggle with and we have found the Achilles heel on our resident WOOFER Cody. Poor Cody was accomplice to the dehorning and emasculation of his namesake Cody the little buckling and the experience made him forget to breathe…never a good thing to do ! Holly aided and abetted Greg with the new lambs and watching the essential but apparently painful process, we found Holly’s !. Each lamb is required to have an ear tag, and extra “bits” on ram lambs must be dealt with. No words are required….the photograph tells the story. Poor Holly… and the little ram lamb is just fine!
Gimpy our matriarch ewe is still holding out, whilst the other ewes are proudly presenting their tiny offspring, Gimpy just watches and we wait,…. impatiently. Seven lambs bounce and spring around their frantic moms whilst a heavily laden and uncomfortable Gimpy wonders how she ever got in this state.
Well, this entry has taken me a little while to complete, my brain has been distracted. Big brother John has been getting led astray, he hasn’t been within 50 feet of a pile of poo since Friday, I believe I am going to have to have a serious talk with our resident WOOFER to discuss his hours of attendance and dedication !
Time to go, take care, keep safe and dry, M