My first memory of Quatre was as she drove into the barnyard and I caught sight of her bumper stickers. I distinctly remember thinking “oops, the neighbours are REALLY going to love that” but my second thought was “what a lovely smile” and throughout her time here at the ranch we grew to love that smile and the person behind the smile. We even still loved her when she threw a log through the old Ford’s rear window. The howl from the other end of the barn when Jim Reeves began to croon on the barn speakers …..oh yes and our lunchtime viewing, Sponge Bob and his associates under the sea. We think so much of her that we can’t even recall any other events which may bring the “no blame policy” out……but we are SURE there are more. Good luck Quatre, don’t forget us here in the rain when you are in sunny California, you can be sure we will be thinking about you. Missing you already !!
Miss Hol-ley has been hormonal, very hormonal and a hormonal cow without a bull can be a little (lot) troublesome. Every three weeks, like clockwork young Hol-ley begins to look for a man, any man will do….in fact, I think anything will do !! Chaos and anarchy takes over the normally peaceful cow empire. Holley, our “polled” (no horns) Dexter heifer with horns lurks with intent. Placid Goliath, our rescue steer and the equally imperturbable Holstein twins, too often the victim of Hol-leys hormonal tirades retreated to the south forty of the cow pen, rumps firmly jammed to the fence eyes fixed on the rampant Hol-ley creating chaos. Molly, matriarch cow in our little herd, intolerant of the teenage tantrum attempted to chastise her errant “wanting” offspring and at least for a short while, Hol-ley had more to concern herself with than rampant hormones. Three days is the usual duration of this tri- weekly event, we look forward to the day when Miss Hol-ley is of age and “Wayne The Man” can visit ! (artificial insemination) will cure this particular condition.
Oh yes, forgot. We currently don’t have any Gertie and Quest books…..all sold out which is fabulous…amazing….awesome, BUT we do have some on order so if you would like a copy, it has been very well loved by all who have seen it and we will have more at the beginning of the year. Orders can be taken now and we will make sure a book is reserved for you
Well, time to go, take care, keep safe. M