An early start to evening chores was called in order to get everyone out the door in time for the Kitsap Rodeo. D and L have never seen a rodeo and it is an experience everyone should have ! We hoped they would have fun….but didn’t expect them to have quite SO much fun !!! Our hard working conscientious Woofer team had brain burp and they suddenly transformed into Woofers having a great time…would the real Derek please step forward ? All I wanted was an elephants ear….but the gang found “walking on water”,huge plastic balls bobbing on an oversized kiddies pool and suddenly it was a MUST DO! I think the pictures speak for themselves!!
Derek and Wesley grooved and shimmied down the road, D holding the remains of a half eaten funnel cake on a paper plate precariously balanced on the end of a finger high in the air. I think that the beer garden may have had some influence on converting our responsible farming interns into a happy bunch of wild childs (? Children ??), I think Wesley was a strong backup to the D and L comedy routine and I think my mouth hurt with laughing.
I have so much more to tell but I think I’m on a secrecy promise….DOH!! I will close my diary just saying that we had a really great time and it was made so much more fun because we were sharing it with our Woofer team.
Take care, keep safe, M