Yesterday afternoon we attended a social, launching the Fresh Food Revolution here on the Peninsula. It was great to catch up and reconnect with farming and market friends that we haven’t seen much of over the long Winter months but it was the ice cream feast was even greater. I LOVE ice cream and this ice cream was even better than most. I knew that the Vikings were renowned for pillage rape and plunder…we can add Viking Ice Cream to that list ! Thank you Holly and Denise for all your hard work… and for piling about 10 lbs on my hips !
They say ( I believe) that everything is BIGGER in Texas….well, that may very well be true but I know one feisty little Texan that belies that statement. Don’t worry Mum J,….what you don’t have in stature, you make up for in personality. I spent a happy hour with Mum J yesterday afternoon, hopefully you get the news we are waiting for today Mum, fingers toes and everything else crossed !
The jungle that is / was my garden (s) has been getting some special attention over the past week and we are grateful (NOT !) to the deer who have done an extraordinary job of pruning my roses. Actually, possibly, pruning doesn’t quite describe the extent of the carnage….my roses have been denuded ! Please God, Why didn’t you invent deer that eat weeds, not my flowers ?
So, it’s the start of another week. We are hearing more from our WOOFER interns and looking forward very much to meeting the personalities behind the e mails and telephone calls and to introducing them to our community. It’s going to be a wonderful Summer ! Time to get back to the present and since there is only Greg, Bran and me, we’d better get down to the barn and save the critters from potential starvation. Have a great day, keep safe, M