Quatra Sophie and Edward our Woofer volunteers have been busy, despite the solar onslaught. Quatra is still busy in her hole and happy as a clam with her bricks and mortar board. It’s looking good, thanks Quatra !! It was power tool Wednesday down in the relative cool of the old cedar barn and Sophie and Edward got familiar to friendly with the nail gun, sawsall, jigsaw and the plain old fashioned ( but effective !) hammer. True to form around here, a wall came down and a wall is going up…how come that always happens ?? Dust was flying, cities of sprawling cobwebs were demolished and huge spiders scurried for safety under the nearest dark and gloomy hole. Old rusty nails had to be pulled, ancient cider boards pulled apart, levels checked and rechecked and the new stall is under construction.
Edward heroically (I think!!) volunteered to go with Greg to collect fresh shavings. Greg and Edward disappeared in a cloud of wood dust and our depleted shavings pile has been replenished. Sophie, clearly quite the artist has made us a new “Eggs for sale” sign, a delicate creative design,….now I have to have the egg hutch painted to match ! ..uuuh ..Greg ! Thank you Sophie,….now, how can I utilize that talent a little more ???
I may have a new career path for all my spare time (?) Much to my surprise it seems that someone thinks that I can write ? The “someone” is actually a very well known local author, Renee River and she and I are together making a childrens story book ( true/ fairy tale..oxymoron)based on the Quest and Gertie the goose love story. We are excited, it will be my first adventure into story writing…I usually just brain dump random thoughts… but my memories and our photographs are (we hope) going to create a beautiful children’s story book. Maybe we will be the new Dr Seuss ..how’s that for ambition. The Quest/Gertie story is on my “Forsaken Love” web page and the new book will hopefully be a wonderful endearing fairy tale. Should be ready for Christmas ? Any enquiries will be answered by my secretary ( NOT !!).
Time to go, Take care, keep safe, M