Song is going to be with us for two weeks and our new friend hit the ground running. The Amtrak train bringing Song from San Francisco was delayed 2 hours and a set of twin calves were waiting to be rescued. Typical Ranch dilemma…everything ALWAYS happens at once. Without any pretence at ceremony, I lurched into the truck from my steppy stool ( it will be such a great day when I can cast off my body armour and climb into the truck unaided…even better day when I can get back in the saddle !!!). The road trip and the fast food snack on the run are starting to feel like the “norm” as we and Bran the Border Collie joined the evening chaos on the freeway, red tail lights, honking horns and multiple irate impatient to be home drivers, it is so nice to live away from all of that madness !!
Jamie and the girls (lots of them) at Thunder Rail Stables ( where Quest lives now) were busily trying to keep the calves warm fed and alive, little girls gently trying to feed and animate the tiny weak babies. It is a warm and friendly barn and we feel lucky to have found it. While we were there, we paid a quick visit to our big boy. Quest hasn’t forgotten us, his huge head turned, his ears pricked and his neck reached out for a kiss. That’s my boy.
We have our own form of chaos, borderline insanity here, usually, (actually nearly always) related to one of our four legged chargelings or another but yesterday was a new one for us. As Amtrak was speeding from California, twin calves born at 9am needed a new mommy. Solution.. pick up the twins first, head to railway station to meet and greet Song with two cows and a dog. Fast introduction to farming…and still she smiled ! Back at the barn in the darkness, Greg gently persuaded the two little orphans, lying lifeless in the bed of straw, little humps of black and white hide in the bed of the truck, that they were home. Goliath, the bigger now rambunctious calf brought home earlier in the week curiously investigated the newcomers, tried to inhale their bottle of milk as well as his own and boisterously introduced himself to Song. The twins are small and weak, we have hope for them but,….. time will tell.
Good news about Gertie, clearly love is transient and the Canadian Goose has very quickly transferred her affections to the most unlikely candidate, Charm the antisocial palomino that stomped her tail feathers only days ago is now her pasture mate and protector….not too sure he reciprocates though !
Well, time to go, but before I do, THANK YOU to Ginger for holding the fort, we really appreciate your dedication.
Take care, keep safe, M