Doris the Destroyer is back and once again, poor Bran’s inadequacies have been highlighted. There we were, all booted up and fired up ready for another day at the barn and there she was large as life and clearly eating VERY well on the smorgasbord that is my hard earned garden. Eyes left…we all turn to look at the dastardly black tail doe deer…..who, through her doey (Ohhhh, bad !!) dark eyes, looked right back at us…and didn’t move. We shouted, she stood some more,…send in the big guns…”GO bran”…uh….”Bran see her off”…..”BRAN ..go chase the **** deer !!”. Bran, possibly offended by the verbal abuse jumped from the truck….”Duuuu…chase what ????”. Insult to injury for the embattled pooch, Jeff our intrepid WOOFER chased after the deer….and Bran, happy again, just chased Jeff !! Who’d be a dog ??
Timed out and SO much more to tell !!
Take care, keep safe, M