I take Lady, our Shire Mare out to the field, actually, if I'm honest, Lady takes me out to the field, I hold on to the lead rope (and I have the carrots) and Lady sort of pulls me along. One leg currently is doing less than its share of motivation but being dragged up the road by a shire horse definately gives you quite a boost in horse power. smile.
Blankets on and blankets off has become quite the art...does the blanket weigh 20 lbs ...or more. I haven't got a clue but I know it either has to go on...or come off....and is Greg lurking ? Charm, (beauty with attitude) the Arab / Quarter Horse isn't too much of an issue apart from the fact that Mr Charm likes to be "in your face affectionate", Charm likes to be involved and doing or undoing fasteners is always more difficult with charms muzzle in the way and affectionate nudging isn't recomended with a bad back but we manage. The Shires pose more of a problem, they are a long way up, their blankets weigh a whole lot more and Greg knows ! I've managed to perfect the art of undoing and sliding then dragging the blanket...no lifting, no breaking rules but I manage to get the job done and that makes me feel SO good. Every day since the back surgery has been a challenge and it hasn't been easy but we know that we are so very lucky, and every day we are thankful for the life we have, the life we share and the people we love and the friends and family who love us. My thanks to Greg, my hero.. who takes such good care of me and I make it SO hard for him!!!
So, it's time for the second shift down at the barn, time to get everyone in and fed,....without getting in trouble ! take care, M