The chickens in the hen house have had a stern talking to! At the first indication of Winter, shorter days and cold damp winds our feathered ladies go on strike. Whilst checking nest boxes for eggs….that noticeably AREN’T there it has been my duty to inform them of their right and obligations. (1) it is their right to have a warm dry roost, light and plentiful good healthy food. (2) It is my right in exchange for their adequate accommodation and food that they supply eggs. Clearly mediation has failed, threats of chicken pot pie has fallen on deaf ears and the girls have taken industrial action. My customers anxious for eggs are despairing. I’m sorry, normal services will be resumed as soon as possible but we have no way of increasing production without co operation from the chicken house.
My book signing at the Blend was AMAZING. Sadly but happily (?) The hard cover book is currently sold out… but more are on order. If you would like a book, please contact us and we will be sure to reserve you a copy. My thanks to Holly Hendrick, Jeff at the Blend, Will at the Gateway, Lauren, the TWAA and everyone here on the Peninsula who have given us so much support. Oops….now I sound like an Oscar winner. Smile. It has been an amazing experience and one I will treasure forever.
Got to go, Take care, keep safe, M