Old man Cooper, the big bay gelding had just got back to his stall after a tough day in the pasture. Covered in mud, his gleaming new paisley blanket now irreparably stained ( clearly Cooper has been on a mission to ensure that every square inch of the blue and white blanket is modified to brown) the retired and much loved race horse was keen to get back to his warm dry stall, his hay manger and most importantly,his grain bucket. Bending to secure the lower bolt on his stall door I carelessly neglected to notice that, over my shoulder, Mr. Cooper was inhaling what seemed to be the entire content of his water bucket. I’m quite convinced that Cooper either has a sense of humour, a floppy lower lip or maybe both !!! With his head over the door and before I had the presence of mind to escape the downpour, he attempted to drown me with his second hand, exhaled water dropped from his lower jaw like a popping water balloon. THANK’S Cooper !!!
Just to really make the day’s experiences complete, I moved on to the goat pen. I’m sure that there are worse experiences but it is hard to think of something worse than being in very close proximity to a goat belch. Alicia our very expanding doe is due to kid in the next week. Being an expectant goat mom clearly has it’s drawbacks. Heartburn is the curse of the human species…can we even begin to imagine what heartburn is when you have four stomachs….I can honestly say that a full on, in your face goat burp coming from what smells like the depths of hell is NOT a pleasant experience. Mental note to self, whispering sweet nothings to a pregnant goat with indigestion is not recommended !
Well, another day over. Bran is laying over the forced air duct, reminding me that the dog seriously needs a bath. Greg is busily washing a basket of beautiful eggs in various shades of brown and the cuckoo clock tells me it is thirty minutes past bedtime. Time to go.
Take care, keep safe, M