Yesterday was quite the day, the “dream team” ( yes, that’s us, actually it’s Greg and our three WOOFER interns, I’m pretty useless right now!). Everyone got to have the afternoon off, piled into the Chevy and headed off to Mary’s’ for a bar-b-q. As always, the food was great, the company greater and the wine was flowing freely.
Wendell the Boston Terrier was determined to make friends with everyone and extra special friends with some. The Chevy got Wendell’s signature down the wheel well, much to Bran, our Border Collie’s disgust and Mary’s Nigerian Dwarf kids formed a lasting impression on our young guests. With Costco’s apple pie being liberally shovelled onto a paper napkin as we passed, we reluctantly dragged our feet to return to work.
Smiles quickly returned when the saddle and bridle were dusted off and Lady was tacked up ready to take Derek out for a one horse power, one ton ride. If the truth has to be told..and would I ever tell anything but the truth?, I think that the camera caught more than one gut wrenching grimace when our would be jockey mounted up, Lady is quite the work out and even Derek’s height wasn’t going to save him. ( I did catch the look of pain, I think I have several photographs to remind him of the moment, as if he is ever going to forget it ). We haven’t seen our Californian pair yet this morning, I am anxious to make sure he didn’t dislocate his hips. Smile. Seriously, he had THE biggest smile on his face as he headed out of the barnyard, I don’t think I will ever forget that smile either! Leslie next?
Jasper, Leslie and Derek got to drive the tractor on Saturday…Jasper had insisted on having a BIG field and nothing close enough to kill and Greg found him just the spot during a fencing afternoon. Since I was still under “house arrest” I watched from the bedroom in between checking the progress of the lamb roast and playing “mom” to a newly hatched chick that appeared to prefer a feet waving in the air position. Happy to report said chick eventually recognised that lying on his back wasn’t the best way to start life as a chicken and is now, with his feathered siblings terrorizing the newest hatchlings. Jasper did GREAT Mom and Greg didn’t sign up for Prozak as a consequence. Well done Jasper, Leslie and Derek!
Well, timed out again, have a great day, take care keep safe, M
Ps Dereks Mom….Both Derek and Leslie have appeared from the depths of the daylight basement and they both looked GREAT and enthusiastic for another action and poo packed day.