We weren't down at the ranch too much yesterday,but long enough to see that the ewes are still "holding out"...if I was a gambling woman, I would bet that we have a rash of cute little lambs...on Wednesday when I am in surgery and Greg is with me. Our wonderful "farm sitters" have rallied to the cause, they may have to have a crash course in bringing lambs into the world.
Gertie the goose is still holding her spot as Quests beau....though I'm pretty sure it's a one sided love affair.Gustav the gander is also still with us and Gertie hangs out with him when Quest is in his stall. In the morning Gertie and Gustav do low level circuits of the barn honking continuously and VERY loudly until the shire is led from his stall.Once on the farm road Gertie settles into place waddling along as close to Quests giant hooves as her waddling body and webbed feet can take her. We have to wait for her to waddle in before the gate can be closed. At all times of the day, that amerous goose is no more than a stones throw away from Quest. In the evening when we went to bring Lady and Quest in to the barn they were at the far end of the pasture ( tarting for treats from my neighbors customers ! ) when called, as always the huge twosome came galloping over the brow of a rise. Flying less than 3 feet and at head hight was Gertie the goose, determined to see Quest safely home. Unfortunately, our farm has become super attractive to the geese this year and we have 3 pairs fighting for their patch of real estate in time to start nesting.
The trees on the ranch are starting to turn, I can see the leaf buds splitting and tiny flashes of green are just waiting for a ray of sunshine! I love Springtime and watching the ranch morph from sober winter grays into the lush vibrant green of the trees and grass is always guaranteed to make even a manic depressant feel like all is good.
So, to sign off, please put us both back on your prayer and positive thought lists, me to get through this second back surgery in 4 weeks and Greg because, as self appointed back police, he knows he has another 3 weeks ahead that would try the patience of St Peter (and all the other Arc angels ).It's 7.30 and time to go down to the barn..and try to keep out of trouble !! Take care, keep safe, M