Quatre continued to dig her hole to freedom. The hole is the most important part of a project to restore a water hydrant to the front of the barn. I am welcoming the completion of this particular project as hosepipes appear to be tenacious in their determination to cause me injury and once the hydrant is in place I wont be worrying about uncoiling coils and rolling figure 8’s…I can just turn on the magic pump. Good work Quatre.
Typhoon Ursula is not weakening, I have never before met anyone who can manage to eat and drink without stopping. I’m sure Ursula could possibly be counted on to dust and clean in her sleep..but I’m not really sure she finds time to sleep !! Ursula has done a wonderful job of painting the cupboards in the barn kitchen, thank you Ursula. She and I have made a deal, we will learn how to “take it easy” together…..something tells me it wont be long before that deal is over!!!
We “rescued” two lambs yesterday, we are almost certain that they have been savaged by dog/dogs. One arrived at the barn all but dead and the second borderline dead. In a very quiet and peaceful part of the barn we have housed them. Penicillin, purple spray, vitamin b, Oracal, water with sweet sticky molasses were administered and the very sick two were left to fight for their recovery. Hopefully there will be signs of improvement today but those little ladies need more than hope.
Quatre decided that Hol-ley needed more entertainment than she could supply…. so the frisky calf has been given a ball. I’m sure it wont be long before we see Quatre training the calf to become the first cow football (soccer) star.
It is time to go. I’m anxious to check on the sick lambs and I’m certain that there are lots of animals down at the barn fully convinced that starvation is pending. ( we are 10 minutes late !!) Have a great day, take care and keep safe, M