Since Greg was busily taking such good care of me, the “reserve team” Quatre, brother John and Ginger held the fort ( or the farm !!). We are lucky to have the support of an amazing network of family and friends who are helping us work through this but particular thanks have to go to our WOOFER team, Quatre and Ginger who have no real reason to accept responsibility here but smilingly take over when asked and big bro John, (THE most unlikely farmer), who,with my amazing sister and her husband have been so supportive.
Enough about me, so, what happened on the ranch yesterday ? Well, I spoke too soon. John had completed his woodpecker assignment and lovely neat rows of little 2 inch holes graced the grain silo…next have guessed it, fill in the holes ! So big brother John spent his morning inside the grain silo, breathing in chicken food dust and peeping through 2 inch holes….if John starts to cluck I will know why!
Bran was deserted by us as we tried to deal with “stuff” and he was not afraid to let us know that he was not impressed, not impressed at all ! That dog has been sulking since our return and no amount of sweet talking, biscuits or cajoling was going to make him change his mind. He was going to sulk until he was done, and he did !
So, copious piles of leaves were relocated into big piles of orange gold and yellow and Ginger took a leisurely meander through the creek bed in what was ( I believe) a beautiful afternoon. Apparently none of the animals misbehaved and the chickens are still on partial vacation so nothing new to report. I will try to glean snippets of anything from the team on a daily basis, voluntarily offered up or I may have to resort to torture.
Take care, keep safe, keep us in your prayers.