The resurrecting of the rusty yellow dinosaur is becoming more problematic by the day. Last night we had quick trip to Cosco to purchase a seems that apart from the original problems with the hydraulic hose, the dinosaur has a dying or dead battery…now it looks like the starter switch is faulty. Looks like my barn yard ornament is going to become a fixture !
Quatre set to work fixing the corner of the barn after “someone” did an exceptional job of destroying it…!!!The barn “owie” has received a temporary bandaid to keep out the Winter wind/rain/snow….sometime in the future a nice new board will hide the evidence but right now , poor Quatre has been the recipient of much advice, mainly directed at keeping a tractor under control or taking the long way round, not a short cut through the barn. Not that she has been blamed…!
My citizenship studies are causing much discussion and head scratching here at the ranch. Clearly the reserve team are delving back into the dark and distant recess in their brains to try to answer some of the questions I have learnt to answer with smug confidence. I can see that I’m going to be confined to the garage for my studies if I don’t leave my favourite naturalised Americans alone. Ginger, always happy to participate in a debate and drawing on her extensive reading in the past, cheerfully shares her knowledge. Quatre, young enough to remember school is digging deep into the part of her brain where she filed American history along with Algebra and geometry. Greg appears amused at my current enthusiasm to learn…it’s easy, what else can I do right now !
The next phase in the “fixing me” process has been assigned to the 16 December. I am due to have a cortisone shot…another one ! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Currently Christmas is on hold.
Well, time for me to go and get some studying done....if anyone reading this has been through the test, please let me know if I will be dumped in Boston Harbour along with our tea if I fail. Smile Take care, keep safe and warm. M