Why ? What happened ? What could possibly have caused me to consider termination of the diary?
Well,..I guess my current physical condition plays a big part in my thought process… ultimately it was something someone I had felt close to that momentarily broke my trust and faith in mankind….But it is back, I am back and I will try to maintain the diary with some kind of consistency !!! As some kind of closure, I would very much appreciate a call from a stranger turned friend on Vashon Island. Please KF call me.
So, what has been happening in our world ?
Well, I am currently wearing a very fetching shade of black/gray/purple and a re-designed eye brow with a very noticeable new bump!. When I got home from the hospital a wonderful walk aid was delivered to the house, it helps ( surprisingly !!!!) me to walk and it helps me to extricate me from the toilet ( always a useful tool !!) So, not having done what I had struggled to get there to do ( not good!) I tried to stand using my all singing all dancing (not!) walking frame. Unfortunately, it would seem that either the spirit of Halloween had taken over the very innocent looking walking frame or there was some operator error but somehow the walker took itself off for a walk without me, I somehow tried to follow, somehow the wall stopped the progress of the “possessed ??” walking frame and somehow I finished up being unwrapped from the frame by a shocked Greg…(who didn’t think there was anything left in this Universe that could shock him !!) wearing my newly acquired facial re-arrangements and wondering what else I could possibly do to upset my back surgeon!
I’m sorry, I am going to have to go and try to undo what the narcotics have so successfully done.. currently my computer is on a tray, balanced on two pillows, supported by a roll of (Costco’s best) kitchen towels and once I unwrap my broken body from all this “stuff”, I can’t get it back without help…namely Greg, who is currently taking care of lots of poo down at the barn.
Quick ( but VERY important) note, THANK YOU everyone for your comments on the diary..ESPECIALLY to my 2 beautiful little grand daughters Katie and Carly. I just know those comments will make me get well MUCH faster and they gave granny the biggest granny smile that you will ever see !! Thank you. Also, special virtual mum hugs to Dean, one of my sons for all the love that came through his multiple comments.Thank you son, I really appreciate your support. Got to go…right NOW. Take care, M