Back to reality...St. Isadore is the patron Saint of farmers...we are pretty sure that he has been taking really good care of us and is possibly more relevent to us right now than good old St George and his dragon !
The sun is shining and the temperature is a balmy 60 degrees, all the sheep are out in the pasture absorbing the rays, the 19 little lambs momentarily tired of abusing the long suffering ewes have gathered in a heaving little heap of multi colored ( coloured for us Brits) heads legs and fluffy little lambs tails. Clearly they aren't going to be immobile for long, they are probably just contemplating some other mischief to throw the sheep community into chaos. Greg is currently mowing the orchard, I swear that Greg can almost break the land sea record on that little John Deere tractor and Bran the Border Collie is zinging, bouncing off the fence posts trying to keep up with Greg on his mean green machine.
Today was a good day in the "Nursery Hen House", our young chickens, ( the ones we hatched have started to lay big brown eggs) is a good day for us but for the older Ladies in the "Roost" hen house not quite so good.....more than a few of them have taken unapproved early retirement or unofficial extended vacation...when the egg basket comes back from the Roost with less than 16 eggs cost exceeds output and we start to discuss chicken soup or chicken chow mein. Watch out ladies, the grim reaper is keeping a really close eye on egg production.
Well, Gregs just up for his lunch, he's ravenous, the dog is worn out, we are almost sold out of fresh brown eggs so St Isadore is really taking care of us. Have a Blessed Easter, take care, M