Today Greg and Jim progressed from fence building and renovation to pruning and chopping down some of the huge cedar trees surrounding our pastures. As the colossal grey/ black storm clouds passed all around the ranch, the sun shone and a brisk wind curled Old Glory and the Union Jack around the flagpole. On the farm road, Greg and his young helper trimmed overgrown branches and cleared aged rotten growth from the fence line.
When the ranch chores were done, the last stall swept and the last water bucket filled, my little farm friend arrived in his plaid shirt, denim “bibs” and rubber boots to “help”. This little three year old knows my routine, he anticipates my activities and he has a running commentary as he refills the already full water buckets to overflowing. I have “help” with my wheelbarrow and woe betide me if the little guy doesn’t get to help me put my tools away.
We have a good life, many blessings, a wonderful family and many special friends. As I write, two very special people in our lives are battling serious health conditions and we ask for thoughts and prayers to give them the strength to fight. Take care, keep safe. M