The sun is shining, the chickens are out in the pens busily scratching and squabling, Adolf the Rhode Island Red rooster is strutting, he would appear a whole lot more important if his hareem hadn't disrespectfully denuded his tail feathers but with or without a tail Adolf keeps a watchful eye on his ladies. The sheep are out in the pasture, I dont think that a head has come up from the grass since they got in there. The 3 Amigos, (Lamb Chop, Macho and Daisy May) are out on the grass but keeping a careful eye on anyone that happens to pass the gate. People means potential treats or in the case of Daisy May the calf, people mean the chance of a backscratch, that little heifer would sell her soul ( if she has one) for a backscratch. The horses are enjoying the sun on their backs, it has been a long wet Winter and the two little Doelings are out and, (just because they can ) looking for some mischief to get into. Dolly and Molly our two Dexter cows are ladies in waiting those two little Dexters are rapidly morphing into a pair of battleships as they contentedly chew their cud enjoying the warm rays from the Spring sunshine.
Time out again and it's time to say Goodnight, Godbless and keep safe. Take care, M