The speed limit on the gravelly farm road is clearly notified, the sign says 10mph. It actually says 40mph but initiative and some fluorescent duck tape does a great job of turning the road from Daytona race track to farm track. Yesterday from the kitchen window I noticed a vehicle which was going over and above observance of said speed was barely moving, something was holding up traffic. A closer look revealed the problem, actually all 8 problems ! Mom and Pop Canadian geese had decided to take their 6 fluffy goslings for an early morning waddle right down the middle of the road. The little family were totally unconcerned by the truck behind them and continued to take their morning constitutional until they reached the barns where they turned around and waddled back up to the pond. Now that the visiting gander and his mate have successfully hatched their goslings they have become less territorial and Gertie and Gustav our resident pair have returned to spend their days with the Shire horses. For the past three weeks whilst the pair were incubating their clutch of eggs the aggressive gander allowed neither fur or feathers to get anywhere near the pond...and that included us. It is more than a little disconcerting to be chased out of our own pasture and for the Shire horses, weighing in as the sumos of the horse world at about one ton each ( give or take a few hundred pounds !) a little bit cheeky ! It is little wonder that Gertie has taken Quest on as her defence team and, grazing the pasture in the horses shadow has kept her safe from the aggressive visiting gander for the most part. Greg and I are a little concerned that momma goose has taken her goslings for walks in the horse field, it really doesn't say much for sound judgement....given the size of Lady and Quests hooves !
Well, the sun is going to shine least, thats what MJ (Fox 13) said...maybe I will be able to get something done in the jungle that was once my garden ! Anyone that knows me..(even remotely) will know that gardening is my least favourite pastime but currently, I am having palpitations every time I allow myself to look in the vague direction of the jungle. Time to go, take care, keep safe, M