More of our WWOOFER arrows were erected yesterday….but they didn’t give themselves up easily. Perched up on the top of a green ladder she determined which way to Munich ( yes Julian, we did get it right !) and Song and Shoma’s colourful works of art along with those made by Holly now remind us of their memorable stays. With one hand struggling to keep a wobbly arrow straight and two screws balancing in pre drilled holes (smart), Greg’s drill decided to test Carly’s initiative…. the drill bit moved slower than the drill and the screws resisted all attempts to complete her mission. As usual, Greg picked up the offending drill and the thing worked…..ooops….it was set in reverse ! No worries Carly, we’ve ALL done it. Thanks for all the smiles, two weeks went very quickly.
My friend Lynne joins me in the horse stalls each day. As I hang the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack to blow in the breeze over the barn, Lynne musters with brushes shovel and poo pickers In Lady’s stall. Unfailingly there is a bemused look on her face as she tries to work out where…on which mountain of poop she can start ! I swear one day I’m going to weigh the “outs” because there is NO WAY those horses can take that much food in ! Yesterday Lynne became responsible for me spending almost all day in the jungle that was my garden. Anyone who knows me well is aware that I would undoubtedly rather go to the dentist than weed the garden but, as we were SO efficient ( thanks to Lynne’s flying broomstick) all beds were made, water buckets filled and hay mangers stuffed all by break time ! The weeds in the garden have been taunting me over the past weeks and yesterday I went to war with my bucket, trowel and garden fork. The chickens spent the day following my progress through the chicken wire and a mountain of weeds were evidence of my diligence and determination. I even found a few potatoes an odd onion and out of nowhere….a single dill stalk. This morning I have been eaten alive by every living creature whose habitat I destroyed, my back hurts and my fingers are like claws. THANKS Lynne !!!
Our thanks to Tyler who came to visit yesterday and helped out on the ranch. His project was to restore to its original place a road sign which had been demolished a year ago by the power company……though apparently the operator of the backhoe which was attached to the bucket which knocked it over didn’t notice that he was responsible. Clearly short sighted ! Thanks Tyler for giving your day.
This morning the rain has started to fall, looks like Autumn has arrived. Time to go and get ready for another day. Take care, keep dry, M