We would like to welcome Cody to the ranch as our most recent WOOFER Intern. Cody bravely took public transport from Seattle in the midst of our weather crisis and is a very welcome addition to the reserve team. Just in time for the fourth huge Winter storm ! Bright and very early, Cody happily headed down to the barn to re acquaint himself with the various shapes and sizes of fur and feathers that would be waiting impatiently for breakfast.
All the livestock have been confined to their respective stalls and pens, some with a little more patience than others. The sheep have been content, heavily pregnant bodies snuggled up together, food and water readily available, they were in no hurry to try to get acquainted with the nasty cold wet stuff. Macho the Man, our big Boer buck and his significant other, also very rounded, courtesy of an imminent kidding, always complain. A snow event, rain event or sunshine or wind those two goats will find something to complain about..and they did, incessantly!. Gentle Giant Lady has remained calm and placid, rarely does the big Shire have attitude, unlike the black Morgan, Roman. Roman’s second name is impatience and over the past days he has raised impatience to a whole new level with all four hooves beating a constant tattoo on his barn door. Roman’s resounding kicks have been joined by the mournful moaning of the two black Dexter cows and Rodney the ram. Molly Moo, her yearling daughter Daisy Mae and Rodney remain quiet as long as their hay manger is loaded. Mouths grinding from side to side they eat, side by side and when the manger is empty, side by side they begin to bawl, long and loud until dinner service has been resumed.
Greg Ginger and Cody have now had to go into flood prevention mode and Ginger could be seen all around the ranch trying to divert the coffee coloured melting snow whilst the two men concentrated on digging re rout ditches. Freshly baked Peanut and chewy chocolate chip cookies were some compensation for the cold wet and weary ranch hands. I think eyes were closed before they hit the bed.
Bran’s surgery was, apparently true to the current medical trend around here, a non event. Bran got there on time, duly starved and topped up with anti biotics, the surgery started…..and they had a power outage ( power cut to us Brits. Sandra, you are going to have to get up to speed on translation and thanks Annie for your translations ). So, the border collie with tooth ache got a scale and polish and we try again Friday. DOH
Greg, out in the pasture,accompanied by Ginger and Cody either got down close and personal to examine the snow/ice or he was doing an impromptu snow angel yesterday. Fortunately his accidental head dive into the snow caused no bodily damage and I believe it was the only fall recorded in this snow event. Mental note...lift foot higher in deep snow.
Time to go, thanks to Ginger and Cody for their fortitude…. Under these conditions,it would have been so much easier to stay in bed with a good book.
Please check out the Hope for Georgia page and if you are able, please help to raise money for research into this debilitating and heartbreaking syndrome. Refer others to the page and if you can, spread the word. These children need our help.
Take care, keep safe and warm, M