Little Mojo-Anne is a week old, a too cute bundle of energy wrapped up in a curly red/brown coat and a squished up little Dexter nose. Each day Quatre walks the fast growing calf on a lead rope out to the pasture. A walk out to the pasture sounds simple….relatively short distance….as the crow flies, not so with baby Mojo-Anne. Every blade of grass, every weed, every grass hopper and each feather floating on the wind has to be investigated and stored in life’s memory file. Mojo skips, bounds on all four tiny hooves, bucks and subsequently just lies down. Life is good for the pampered little calf, four times a day her bottle is prepared, each huge plastic bottle topped by a oversized rubber teat contains three pints of frothing milk and as the final drops are vacuumed out, MoJo is searching for the next feed.
The “no blame policy” was called into play again and since it is not farm policy to name and blame, no blame has been allocated ……but it doesn’t stop me mentioning it, right ? Someone, who will remain un-named (but is the only one with a moustache around here) SOMEHOW managed to be reversing the quad ( not even the big Chevi truck !!!) into the huge barn. SOMEHOW it seems the “un named one” managed to persuade a normally totally inanimate plastic bucket to jump up from by Romans stall (where it has resided for over the past 12 months) and throw itself under the wheels of the four wheeler. Sadly the mangled bucket is in no state to let us know just HOW it performed this amazing feat. Good job is was Greg ( oops ! name dropped) driving, he always checks behind him……right ????
Well, I think the team are all “appled out” after yet another afternoon cutting squashing and squeezing…..several bottles of the amber liquid were won, boring apple juice and much more interesting apple wine prospects were secreted away and the shredded apple remains go to the horses/sheep/cows. Poor Quatre sustained two “not quite” life threatening cuts in the process but I am assured Quatre blood is not included in the apple juice. Phew !!! Nothing wasted and in a couple of months, when we have forgotten just how mundane Apple squeezing is ( maybe) we will enjoy the “fruits” of our labour !!
Quatre ( still walking wounded and bravely uncomplaining) helped Greg to begin the transformation of Lady’s stall. Plans are to re model her ghetto into a warm cosy dry Ritz….ok….maybe Motel 6 !!! Since plans are always in Greg’s head, we have no idea of the final outcome but I’m sure the intrepid two will come up with a stall worthy of our noble shire mare.
Timed out, got to go. Take care, keep safe, M