Misty Moo the Jersey heifer is beginning to look very matronly. Certain parts of her anatomy are beginning to SWELL and we are becoming aware of the potential milky bar that will open when Misty's calf arrives in March. The potential surplus of rich creamy Jersey milk has forced Greg to consider our options....ice cream, yoghurt, milk shakes....cholesterol and maybe a little wiener pig. Many years ago we were fortunate enough to taste milk fed pork and the memory still makes the taste buds tingle. As her size and shape change with her advancing pregnancy, Misty has developed a little attitude. One of our (also heavily pregnant) sheep was taking a rest in the pasture, quietly absorbing the watery sun rays that were peeping through the clouds. Sadly, the ewe was directly in the straight line path that Misty was clearly determined to take and Misty the cow wasn't about to change or deviate her route.....Misty unconcerned by her discourteous behavior just bumped the resting sheep until she hauled her body out of Misty's way and Misty continued on her way.
Time for me to go and start layering up. Take care, keep safe and warm. M