I believe Greg the nice UPS man in the brown suit was almost responsible for causing a very serious medical condition yesterday and the poor man was totally unaware. I received a bouquet of beautiful roses for Mothers Day, in a big green box… with an even more beautiful message. It was such an unexpected and so much appreciated surprise I think I almost passed out ! Thank you, you made my day/year.
Adolph the Rhode Island Red rooster ( or Adolph’s identical brother Adolph) has a problem which wasn’t being helped by his harem of hens. For several days it has been noted that Adolf ’s strut is much less flamboyant than we are used to, in fact Adolph has appeared to be managing to function as a “working” rooster with only one leg. Little spots of blood alerted us to the fact that what appeared to be Adolph’s little one legged quirk was in fact a more serious and less amusing problem. Problem appeared to be the operative word, how do you help a Rhode Island Red Rooster hopping around on one leg who doesn’t particularly want to be helped ? A rooster roundup !!! Quatre wisely decided that three able bodies were easily capable of kidnapping a gimpy one legged rooster and three didn’t include her !! She observed the proceedings in the henhouse from the safety of the barn. My assignment, me being less than agile….actually possibly less agile than the ailing rooster, was to block the exit / entrance door and stop the potential escape of the patient. The exit /entrance door in question is the size of a cat flap, big enough for a big rooster who doesn’t want to be hospitalised, bigger than you could possibly block with a hand and just about significant butt sized. An instant decision and potentially not my wisest ever was to block the escape route with my not too significantly sized derriere. I was feeling more than a little uncomfortable as I parked my nether region squarely ( well..roundly) in the hole in the wall. As the squawks and shrieks flapping and bumping emanated from the henhouse the two suspicious roosters in the pen turned their attentions on me. Clearly I was somewhere I shouldn’t be and even more clearly something not good was happening within. A little too close and personal under the scrutiny of two sets of accusing rooster eyes, I was feeling less than comfortable. A cursory survey and it was determined that Adolf, the object of our attention was quietly hiding in the hen house nursing his gammy leg and inconveniently dripping blood on the newly cleaned floor . Greg and Carla went on the offensive, net in hand, they weren’t leaving without a red rooster. In the henhouse the chickens went on a counter offensive, clucks were replaced by indignant and infuriated squawks. From deep within the henhouse I heard a very annoyed and upset Adolph, less than impressed at the prospect of capture. Historically roosters that disappear don’t come back …..! Under close scrutiny the injury was less serious than Adolph had led us to believe ( well, he is male !!!) but he was treated despite his vocal protest and is currently rehoused ( very unhappily !!) in the chicken hospital where his lacerated toe will be able to heal without too much adverse attention from his ladies. As a postscript, I have made an executive decision and the next time there is a chicken roundup….a regular door will be where my butt was !
Greg and his girl team are busily constructing a new horse stall, the more “boys toys” the bigger the smiles and Quatre and Carla are smiling. The stall is progressing well despite a minor error in measurement of a post. Again, the no blame policy came into force. Quatre cut it right but somehow it was just too big. Must have been a lesson on “how NOT to measure ! oops !!!
Time to go, the sun is going to shine and it’s going to be a great day.
Take care, keep safe, M