Just to add to her list of achievements, young Rebecca learnt to drive the tractor and, under Greg’s watchful eye set to work with a vengeance on the steaming manure pile. I think I detected a gleam in her eye as the tractor growled and the big bucket groaned into action. Rebecca’s time with us is drawing to a close, she is due to be moving on to pastures new this weekend and we are going to miss her easy smile and pleasant nature. Rebecca has been willing to give any new project a try and has made the most of every opportunity…since I am a professional pessimist, watching our young WOOFER heading off out the farm gate on Mr. Charm (with attitude). I needn’t have concerned myself…Charm looked after his young rider who returned with a huge smile on her face, a new found confidence and wanting to know if she can go any faster ! I’m sure Charm would oblige…but I think I would be happier if she had a hard hat and a parachute.
Confidence has grown all around the ranch, Alicia with her bulging udder and lopsided teats has become accustomed to her new milk maid. Rebecca’s tentative first attempts at milking resulted in a bucket of milk with a hoof firmly planted in it but subsequent trips into the milk parlour have been successful and a bucket of creamy goat milk has made its way to the barn kitchen despite the best attempts of Acorn, and goat kids Cody and Song to investigate her bucket and delay her departure from the goat pen.
Alice and Chance the two lambs (that think they aren’t) have also become favourites of WOOFER Rebecca. The two chosen ones will miss their new and soon to be gone friend hanging out in the sheep pen with them.
A new horse stall is almost completed and Rebecca has in no small way been party to it’s construction. As a new horse boarder hangs its head over the door she helped build, we will remember her. New skills and new friends have been learnt and made over the past weeks and we are sorry that her time with us is over.
It hasn’t all been work, Rebecca along with Greg Quatra and Carla was responsible for fixing a set of bull horns firmly to the front of the four wheeler, I now drive a vehicle with seriously redneck attitude. It could have been worse I guess….they were looking to get the Chevy !!! Yesterday she and Carla, once again under Greg’s watchful eye got some target practice. Bran hastily ( and possibly very wisely) found a safe place to hide and a target was set up. I believe Carla did get a bulls eye but as all other shots apparently found another target ( who knows where ?) and the sighting of the gun was blamed, I have to conclude that Annie Oakley has nothing to worry about.
Well, time I found something else to do, Safe travels Rebecca, good luck at your venue today Carla and for everyone else, take care, keep safe, M