The war with the carnivorous occupants of the Shack ( our smaller hen house) continues, every 20 minutes we try to surreptitiously raid the roosts before the dastardly egg eater beats us to the nest. Every 20 minutes the White Leghorns ( suspected perpetrators) set up a deafening cacophony of screeches squalks and cackles to announce our arrival and return en mass from the chicken yard to defend the nest boxes. In each nest box infuriated chickens growl at our intrusion, some lift their feathered butts and resign themselves to our kidnapping of their egg, others resentfully just peck once or twice in protest and some peck, peck and hang on !! I did notice that nearly all of the eaten eggs were in particular boxes….those boxes are now gone, there is an empty space where the crimes occurred, egg numbers were well up yesterday…. we wait to see what today will bring.
Another hot sunny day ahead and no rain in the foreseeable future. I hear England is drowning and the one sunny day they had back in May was their Summer. My new granddaughter far away across the pond is in the process of entering the world, please join us hoping for a safe and healthy delivery.
Got to go, the cuckoo has spoken…7.30am, take care, keep safe, M