Quatre left the ranch after over a year to restart her “real life” in the “real world” and went back to the city… but super cute photos of even cuter little goat kids and tiny new born lambs lured her home. Sadly the cookie tin was empty and the 10 o’clock muffin break was muffin less following a very traumatic appointment with a nutritionist who has imposed a no carbohydrate dictatorship on my life. As you can image I am less than impressed at having the prospect of chewing lettuce leaves and chomping on chard but Quatre was compensated by a tin of brownies cooling on the counter before she left for Seattle. I’m not certain who had the most fun, Quatre or the four goat kids….but I could hazard a guess when our returned WOOFER got “lost” AGAIN in the goat pen. King of the castle gets a whole new meaning when Bonny is standing on your head and Buster is trampolining from your back. Thumper and Peanut our little bottle babies bounced from wall to wall taking turns to catapult over Quatre almost prostrate in the hay and Acorn and Alicia chewed their cud and watched.
It wasn’t fun all day, it was time for the lambs to be tagged and the little rams required their “extra assets” to be “dealt with”. Ear tags were a new fashion accessory and little lamb heads, left ear for the boys and right for the girls looked overpowered by the blue and green plastic tags. Thank’s Quatre !
Oops, time to go….enjoy the photographs. Take care, keep safe. M