Hol-ley the Dexter calf has no love for snow and after her initial display of attitude has resolutely parked her little black body in the corner of her shelter. Poor Lamb Chop has had yet another change of accommodation, he and the calf had been pasture companions since we rescued him from assault and battery courtesy of Macho the Boer goat buck. He and little Hol-ley co existed happily until recently. Our bovine prima Donna has grown and as she grows..so does her attitude and poor Lamb Chop, the lamb that doesn’t know he is a sheep became the object of her attention. Hol-ley incessantly batted him around the pasture, head butting him into orbit, the inoffensive lamb just didn’t retaliate and went back for more.. so, obligingly and brutally, she head butted him some more. Having watched Hol-ley remorselessly practicing the art of domestic abuse, an executive decision was made and poor nomadic Lamb Chop was transferred next door to the pen of ewes. Needless to say, the heavily pregnant ladies were less than happy to invite him to join their fold and two of the matriarch ewes were very happy to remind him that they were in charge. Lamb Chop has settled in, Chance and Alice the other two bottle fed and very lucky lambs ( they are under my protection and will never be on a Sunday dinner plate !) seem to have formed a band of three and whilst there is safety in numbers, Lamb Chop will be fine.
As the horses have been kept safely in their stalls, Gertie the goose is alone in the pasture, distraught, the Canada Goose has been performing very noisy fly- overs around the barns….hopefully Edgar the eagle is huddling in a tree somewhere with a full tummy.
Well, we still have power, I think the ice rain has stopped and now it is rain..next problem will be flooding. Time to build an ark ?
Time to move, I’ll go and check the weather through the window…sometimes it’s not so tough to be housebound !!!
Take care, keep safe and warm. M
If you would care to visit the Hope for Georgia page and feel that Dravet Syndrome is a worthy cause, please donate if you can and tell your neighbors and friends. They really need our help. Thank you. M