Fortunately, down at the barn medical issues are less confusing, Lamb Chop is recovering well from his not so minor surgery ( castration) in fact apart from the dramatic change of appearance in poor Lamb Chops nether region ( very shrunken) you would never know he had been "done". He was restored to his 3 Amigo status and is back with Macho and Daisy who missed him while he was in the hospital wing. Gimpy the sheep with a limp isn't limping anymore so the work Greg and Tom ( our Wwoofer volunteer) did on her owie really helped.
Jodie, our other Wwoofer was almost invisible yesterday as she replanted the raspberry canes in their newly appointed location. The trench she had dug was almost as deep as she was high and all afternoon she buried those canes like something posessed. The garden is looking great.....and if anyone needs healthy raspberry canes really cheap we have LOTS to sell.
Time to move this aching old body..that doesn't have arthritus and get ready to go down for another day. Thanks to both our Wwoofer friends, it's fun having you around. Take care. M