Well, we had the blood test back from the lab, our bovine friends have remained “open” or unpregnated. Mr. Wayne the artificial insemination guru is going to have to return and, all being well, if the calf fairy does come to visit, Molly Moo and Daisy Mae should have bouncing calves in September. This situation is not exactly as stated on our wish list, we like calves to be born when the fresh, lush, Spring grass is starting to grow. Fresh Spring grass encourages fat sassy moms and healthy babies…..so, we will watch wait and hope.
Gertie the goose has been quietly co existing with her beau, Quest the handsome 19 hand Shire Gelding and his mom, Lady.( see forsaken love web page) Each day she waits for Quest and Lady to plod their way to the pasture and then spends her day walking in his shadow, just happy to be his companion. Yesterday however was a traumatic day for the lovelorn goose and to our concern, much splashing cackling and trumpeting emanated from the pond. It seems that a rogue bald eagle, possibly frustrated at the lack of free chicken dinners thought that maybe young Canada Goose might be an acceptable substitute snack. Clearly Gertie the goose was less than impressed by the fact that she was on the eagles menu and determined that if she was eagle bait, she wasn’t going quietly ! The commotion startled the reserve team but Quatre and Ginger were happy to report that the intrepid and confused goose was alive, well and eagerly awaiting Quests return.
I was convinced that Quatre’ smile could get any bigger…but I was wrong. Each achievement makes that characteristic smile broader and yesterday was no exception. From the house I watched our long term and much loved WOOFER Intern walk out to the pasture to bring Roman the black Morgan back to his stall for the evening. Roman is always anxious to get back to his stall…for dinner. Roman is always anxious for breakfast and to get out to the pasture in the morning..in fact, I guess, Roman is typically anxious all the time and his anxiety usually fuelled by food. For the first time, Quatre mounted the black gelding bareback in the pasture and steered him with the leadrope. I watched him begin to trot and held my breath but Quatre just smiled, another achievement chalked up!
Ginger, our most recent WOOFER Intern is my principal chicken lady. The girls have been on unscheduled Industrial Action for several weeks and the management ( and our egg customers !!) is becoming impatient. Instruction have been given to gentle placid Ginger to be stern with the feathered occupants of the hen house. Apparently Ginger applied enough persuasion and veiled threats,….. the quantity in the egg baskets was significantly increased. Thanks Ginger !
Well, time for me to groan into some kind of action….maybe time for a nice cup of tea. Take care, keep us in your thoughts, keep safe, M