The operation went without a hitch. About 0830 the Dr came out and said all went well and Maureen was going to be fine. At 1030 we were on our way home. Well as I said, weather was now more like the forecast. BLIZZARD!! Thank heavens it lasted only for about 10 miles. We soon broke out into sunshine. Only here in the northwest. Wait a little while and weather will change. We made it home watching the dark clouds in the horizon.
Well then it began. “I’m fine. I’m British.” Oh dear… That was well exemplified this morning. Out came the communicator (cell phone) and service bell. Maureen had her makeup on, propped up on pillows, TV on and waiting for her next cup of tea. This is going to be a long 3 weeks of R&R. Dr says no house work for a couple weeks. Lifting only 5 lbs for the first three weeks. “Light duty for the next two months”! watch this space. I think this will be as good as I gave when I was in bed and recuperating a couple years ago.
Thanks to all for the phone calls, emails and help on the ranch. We know that we are surrounded by a great community and friends. Nice thing is, it stretches all around the world. Holland, Scotland, England, Canada, and all those other readers we have in other countries we know are there but have never met. Thanks for your support!!!!
Looking out the window this morning is a white wonderland. I should be nervous, but I know its going to be a great day. Horses will be snorting, milking machine cold, but there will be a warm fire in the barn and warm heart watching me from the bedroom window, poised with a finger on the send button, making sure I don’t forget something. I love it. Time to get the quad out and do a few doughnuts in the snow to remind me how much fun it can be. Its hard work with the chores, but I love looking out the window and seeing the beauty and peacefulness of a quite snow covered landscape. Time to bring out the woolies. Hopefully Maureen will be able to start writing soon. I really need more practice to make it up to her level. Be back soon. Take care. G