The lambs are still coming and triplets appear to be the current trend, with a set of quads thrown into the equation, just in case we get complacent....and we dont, we have no time !. Annie our big white ewe had triplets but Annie wasn't feeling much like being a mom and loving and nurturing. Yesterday Greg called me from the barn to tell me that the odds were stacked against one of her little babies, and he didn't think that she would make the afternoon....Oh, really ? At this ranch, until there is no more breath, anything has a chance of life. Enter Chance, the cutest little bundle of lamb you could ever find. Chance was clinging on to life, just. and the odds were stacked against her making it, but we never did believe in gambling and up came little chance, in a cardboard box and looking the wrong side of death. Most of last night was spent dripping a milk and molasses concoction into a tiny little mouth that hardly had the strength to open. There was very little hope for her when we eventually fell into bed..but at least we had given her a chance and Chance the little white lamb was to surprise us both.
This morning before I opened my eyes, before I took out my earplugs, I thought I was down at the barn, it SOUNDED like I was down at the barn....but I wasn't, THE BARN WAS IN MY KITCHEN !!!! From the kitchen came a series of bleats that were worthy of Rodney the Ram and she wasn't about to stop anytime soon if that little tummy wasn't full...NOW. From the deathly sick little lamb last night she had evolved into a noisy milk monster. Bran was in hiding,Bran doesn't do noise and there was a lot of noise. A quick sound check from Greg, was she REALLY as loud as I was hearing ? Greg, I'm sure, had gone for a shower, her "feed me NOW" bleats ( I'm not sure that noise can even be called a bleat) masked by the sound of the shower. Over the sounds of pending starvation eminating from the kitchen, Greg confirmed that Chance had already been fed, the goat milk in her bottle had simply evaporated before his eyes...and she was wanting another ration. Bran was still in hiding, ..wait a minute, isn't he the sheep dog ???!! So, Chance has won her way into Ranch history,...Greg knows that, once I have bottle raised, it is too close to eat ( as evidenced by Lamb Chop Daisy May and Macho the goat buck who have all beat the butcher.) Chance has a sister who isn't looking too healthy this morning ......maybe ...OH NO !!!! Greg will have a tizzy, smile.
Well, got to go, I've sat too long already, time for a walk. Take care, M