The barn is daily changing as Greg and our little family of WOOFERs give it a makeover and a long overdue facelift. We are starting to look like a real horse barn and the contented horse heads hanging over the doors complete the image. After early morning chores are completed and mucky wheelbarrows are filed away until the next time, the barn team transforms into the construction team and magic is happening
Poor Misty the Jersey calf had a bad evening. The highlight of that pretty little lady’s day is the arrival of a hefty half gallon bottle topped with a big red rubber teat. To get that bottle the calf would sell her soul and once the benefactor of the bottle appears around the corner of the barn a watchful Misty has one thing on her mind and nothing or no one is going to come between our voracious calf and the frothing milk. Nothing was different yesterday, the milk fairy ( WOOFER Carla) duly arrived, admittedly a little behind schedule but not late enough to be the cause of emaciation and Misty gripped the teat, determined not to be parted until every last drop was inhaled. Sadly…that is exactly what happened, Misty inhaled and the milk filled her lungs. Misty panicked…and coughed, we determined that our little Jersey calf had had her last bottle, sadly poor Misty begins her weaning process today.
Time to go, the cuckoo clock has spoken and everyone is on the move.
Take care, keep safe, M