Lamb Chop update ( and no photographs !!). The potential patient watched his erstwhile pasture pals desert him this morning, not a ewe spared a back glance as Greg retained him in the pen. Lamb Chop was due a wash and brush up followed by a good haircut and a hefty dose of probiotics. Half a ton of carrot morsel blackmail later and the scruffy lamb is looking nearly as good as new which was possibly more than could be said for Carla and Greg who were working on the rear end and Alyson who was trying to keep eating machine occupied.
Big brother John and his daughter Alyson (my niece) arrived back from their expedition to Oregon. Judging by the number of bags they left with and the number of bags that returned with them, more time was spent exploring the outlet malls than the Oregon coastline! So John is getting retrained by daughter Alyson in the intricacies and technique required to meet mucking out spec on Gentle Giant Meadows ranch. Clearly, getting up close and personal to what comes very naturally to six cows Rodney the Ram and “ever ready” buck Macho doesn’t find itself at the top of John’s “100 things to do before I die” list but British stiff upper lip has prevailed and alongside daughter Alyson big brother John has scooped the poop like a pro although it has been reported that muttering under the breath and a few hefty curses were heard.
Happy birthday to Hannah and thanks to Natalie for the yummie cup cakes !
Well, time I got this posted, I believe that I’m well overdue.
Take care, keep safe, M