Derek Leslie Holly and Mica decided to ride Lady bareback. Now, riding a Shire mare is no easy exercise when you have not such long legs, riding a Shire mare who is more than a little overweight and best of all, riding a chunky Shire mare BAREBACK was a recipe for a blog comment. Actually, riding her was probably the least challenging part….getting on the mare was THE most challenging part… they did great..and we all had SO much fun!!!
Quatra has really got her horse confidence back and if it has 4 legs, mane tail and whinnies,(thinking about it... if it had only 3 legs no mane or tail) I’m sure she would still be right in there. Yesterday she and Mr Charm took a sedate wander down the farm road. That doesn’t sound too impressive, but you haven’t ridden Charm, and sedate and Charm are not usually used in the same sentence! Well done Quatre.
Young Holly is just taking to farm life like a natural, her smile is unfailing and so far she has accepted every challenge and nothing has been beyond her capabilities. Yesterday saw her zinging around the pasture on the tractor mower ( smiling) and happily riding around the arena on lady ( still smiling!) Holly is only with us for a week but she has become a firm member of the team, Thanks Holly.
Mica as usual entertained and educated us all, if she goes missing you will be sure to find her in one of the pastures trying to persuade/ coerce a lamb/ewe or cow to join her fan club. At 11 Mica is scared of nothing…and I get scared because she is fearless!! You will turn me grey Mica….to be brutally honest, greyer!
Well, I have been timed out again, take care, keep safe, M