In some ways I realized that the torrential downpour that was Sunday ( “Sun”day, huh, that’s a joke !) could work for me if I’m smart…and I can be smart, sometimes, (smile). Well, cleaning up the cow / sheep barn can be more than a little messy and a LOT smelly and cleaning up their yard is one of those chores that would be delegated….if we had anyone to delegate it on ( don’t worry potential Woofers, we wouldn’t ask you to do anything I wouldn’t have GREG do !!). All that rain that fell yesterday caused a creek to run through the cow yard and it literally washed all the cow pats away, all gone and the yard got power washed into the bargain. So, it’s a Monday morning it’s going to rain, again….and Greg has put his “I’m the boss” T shirt on. It can only get worse from here ! I think I’ll just crawl back into the bed I got NO sleep in last night, so it’s going to be a bags under the eye, frizzy hair, wet Monday….GREAT !!!
Feeding time at the barn at 7.30 (ish) is always a bit of an “against the clock” race, every critter in the barn wants and expects to be first. Our newest barn occupant is Midnight, Midnight loves his food and Midnight wants it NOW !! If that beautiful black gelding doesn’t get his food first and FAST we are made very aware of our indiscretion. Midnight kicks the stall door and paws the floor, Charm impatiently paces and the two Shires just hang their huge heads over the stall door and watch my every move. Thank goodness they don’t kick their doors…they would demolish them. When they scratch their butts on the barn walls, we watch the wall bend, and we can hear the support posts groan. The two little doelings Baaaaaaa in glorious stereo the three amigos set up a chorus of baaas and moos and little ( not so little now !) Chance manages to raise her plaintive calls above all the others, louder and longer ! We are maybe going to have to give lumpy Lady our Shire mare a little more breakfast…when she has inhaled ( her grain is eaten so fast, there is no way she takes the time to chew ) her breakfast, Lady picks up her rubber food bowl in her mouth and holds it out to us. ( shades of Oliver Twist…”please can I have some more ?”)
Our thoughts and prayers are down 97th Street this morning as a very special someone is expecting some news… Please take care, keep safe, M