Down at the barn, crystallized spider webs twinkled between the tree branches, the lock was frozen (again)....Daisy accusingly informed me that her water bucket was a pink frozen block, the two less than happy barn cats met me at the farm gate, tails twitching in now the inclement weather is all my fault ? The White Leghorn chickens huddled into a feathered mass braving the brutal temperatures whilst the apparently much more astute Rhode Island Red birds lined the perches relatively warm and cozy within the walls of the chicken coop. In the barn, a warm moist aroma emanated from the cow stall, Misty Moo and Daisy patiently waiting for the day to start. The sheep, having spent yet another frigid night huddled together in their stall anxiously bleated for breakfast and in the horse stalls, our equine guests warmly rugged up to fend off the cold, stamped and neighed in restless impatience. Bran the Border Collie, apparently impervious to the challenges of life in a virtual frozen tundra continued to take life at his habitual pace...twice the speed of sound whilst Luke, (he of uncertain parentage but believed to be at least nominally Australian Shepherd) wisely retreated to the warm hay nest that he has fashioned behind the hay stack, there to stay entombed until it was time to head back up to the house. Heritage turkeys are (aren't they ?) by definition American ancestral birds...the white commercial turkey is notoriously stupid, apparently able to drown itself when it is raining....Heritage turkeys are noted to be more astute.... intelligent even, not at our ranch. The automatic waterers had, not surprisingly frozen solid and, by necessity been replaced by a temporary watering system in the turkey house. Said "intelligent...astute......native" turkeys clearly had a serious problem working out how to take water from the turkey waterer being used to the automatic system and consequently preferred to dehydrate than drink from the alternative and much more labor intensive method of watering. Conclusion....turkeys are ALL dumb !
Well, another day on the ranch draws to a chilly close, livestock are all bedded down in the big cedar barn, Bran and Luke are snuggled up on their fluffy dog beds, Greg is close by, I have a warm mug of mulled wine.... all's good in my world. Take care, keep safe and warm, M