I'm still confined to the house, I watch the weather through the windows, warm and dry, trying sooooooo hard to keep out of trouble. The "back police" are ever vigilant, if it even looks like I am considering a banned lift ( under 10 lb ) I can feel 3 sets of eyes daring me to try... I dont even need to actually start to break a rule, I only need to think it and Greg's on my case. I'm getting pretty good at using my toes to pick up....I always did believe in Darwins theory but now I'm more convinced than ever that we are decendents of the ape after this issue than I was before the surgery and with each successful toe lift I grow more confident. I may have to give myself a challenge just to keep life interesting and use different toes and maybe even my left foot ( you can't tell that i'm bored bored bored can you !?!?!! ) If I start craving banannas and swinging off the chandelier I'm seriously in trouble !!
So, how do I fill my day, how do I manage to keep from going stir crazy, how do I save myself from going out of my head with boredom, ...good question !! I bought some books but since I can only sit for a pre determined time, by the time the book has been turned to the dog eared page I was reading the last time I tried to tried to read and by the time I had checked back to see how we had got to where we are in the book, it's time to take my pre determined walk, bedroom to kitchen and back again...walking is good for you they say ! So I read and I walk and I am trying to learn how to use the computer. "How To Do Almost Anything On A Computer" sounds like a computer phobic, irritable bored back surgery patients dream....mmmmm, Well.....somehow, even though I followed the step by step, clear, concise instructions with pictures, I managed to foul it up. I even managed to foul up the step by step, clear consise instructions to undo my first foul up ! I am,( despite my obvious inability to make the computer do what I want it to do) however going to make a determined effort to master computer skills and am even more determined not to give up....maybe I'll get past page 3 today. smile.
As far as I know, everything down at the barn is going well, which means that I'm not being missed too much. Annie and Malc have been amazing and they and our wonderful neighbors and friends have ensured that Greg hasn't gone into melt down during my recovery period. As happy as I am that everything is good...it would be nice to know that I am "needed" and maybe just one minor, inconsequential, petty thing could happen that only I could fix but it wont, and I thank all family and friends down there running the ranch without me, without any mishaps, from the bottom of my heart. thank you so much.
Time to move myself, just to make life interesting and prove to myself that I am really not quite brain dead, I'm going to change my routine and take a nap before I take my walk ! ( mad impetuous fool !!)
Take care, keep warm and dry, M