trip around doctor’s office to doctor’s office. You know this is all getting
very“old” when you get to recognize and on first name terms with anesthetists /
nurses and even floor cleaners at the various ( and numerous ) hospitals that
we have almost been able to call “home” over the Christmas season. We have
finally been able to put a name on the nasty that has been lurking inside me
and every time I think I’m better sharply reminds me that I’m NOT !! The news
wasn’t good but now we have a name for the nasty at least we can get down to
evicting it !! I had a PICC fitted, not exactly a designer model and not on
everyone’s wish list but not everyone can have a tap poking out of their arm with a little tap on it. Bit like the tap on a cheap wine box. It will be very handy, I have got a little tired of being a pin cushion and my veins have got wise to the hovering needle,
when the needle appears,.. the nice plump veins just magically disappear. I have
also been fitted with a less than flattering brace contraption which gives me
the appearance of a Ninja warrior or even less flattering….. a Ninja turtle !
As we were going to be taking yet another afternoon away from the ranch and had no idea when we would be home Greg made an executive decision ( which he can…’cause I’m not there) and decided to bring Rodney the ram, Molly Moo and Daisy Mae in from the pasture early. Cows are creatures of habit, their alarm clock lives in one of their 4 rumbling tummies and it will not be disregarded. When it is breakfast time their alarm clock activates and there is a long low moo in wonderful stereo, emanating from the area of the cow pen. The long low moo get louder as breakfast gets later and we have learnt that for the sake of peace, a hungry cow needs feeding, fast. Cows also know
when it is time for dinner, come 4 o’clock, three dewy wet noses are resting on
the gate, eager to come home to a warm dry barn and a grain bucket with a dairy
mix rich and dark with molasses . Greg tried to call them in early, alarm
clocks had not been initiated, no feed buckets were visible ( now, I would call
that a big mistake !) and they were munching on grass still growing due to the
mild winter. Greg tried to call them and was studiously ignored…not time.
Unconcerned Greg tried to round up the three reprobates on the quad but Rodney
just challenged the intruder that was interrupting his grazing.
Molly and Daisy just walked around the vehicle, no food there and it
still wasn’t time. Greg brought out his master plan….Bran was perched as hoodie
on the front of the quad frothing at the mouth with enthusiasm, frantic to do
his job, tail wagging and whimpering when Greg turned him out into the field. Bran was focused, Rodney the ram was belligerent and the border collie was confused. The dog went into offensive mode, the ram was supposed to be fearful, the ram should be intimidated……but he wasn’t. Rodney the Ram backed up, lowered his head and lined up for the attack…and Bran the border collie ran. He knew what an upset ram could do and Rodney was very upset. The 2 cows, clearly disrespecting the dog and unmoved by Greg’s frustration just went back to grazing. It wasn’t time and when it was they would be waiting. But NOT right now ! Restrspectively thinking...if it had been me, which it wasn't( but I have to say)..a feed bucket instead of the dog and the three ingrates would have knocked you over in their rush to the barn !
We went off to our afternoon in and out of doctor’s offices and left the cows
out in the pasture. Ginger our WOOFER intern had the welfare of the ranch and
its inhabitants in her hands until we returned but help was close at hand. The
cavalry arrived in the form of willing neighbors and thankfully Ginger got some
assistance bringing wet horses and cows ready and willing for their grain back
to the barn. Now it was time ! Thank you Heidi and Robin for always being there.
Time to go, the rain is still falling, the wind is still blowing and the reserve team are still down at the barn finishing up the morning chores. Take care, keep safe and thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. M